Conclusion to the course work is one of its structural parts, which stands out in the content and text of a separate section called “Conclusion” which describes the results of the work performed.
The volume of the conclusion to the course work is 2-3 pages
The word “Conclusion” is written in a new letter at the top of the page in the middle. The section is not divided into subdivisions. The design, numbering, font size, paragraphs, and spaces of this section are no different from the main text of the work.
What is the conclusion to the coursework?
Conclusion to the course work is one of the important parts of the work to which special attention is paid when checking it because it describes the results of the work. If you do not have time, you can buy a term paper on our service.
Just like the Introduction, the conclusion to the course work should be 100% authors without any references and quotations and be based only on the results of the work done.
So that the conclusion to the course work does not contradict the content, it must be written by the goals and objectives described in the Introduction, as well as take into account the conclusions of the course work for each chapter. In conclusion, we can indicate the intentions to study this issue and its direction.
Does the conclusion begin with the fact that we describe the goals and objectives achieved in the course of the course work? It is not superfluous in conclusion to note once again the relevance of the research topic. Then you can paraphrase, slightly shorten or expand the text of the conclusions for each chapter and write the necessary phrases for the conclusion of the course, describing the prospects for further research and the conclusion of the course work is ready.
Example of a conclusion to the course work
So, you are offered an example of writing a conclusion of a term paper on joint-stock companies.
Excerpt from the introduction
“… The purpose of this course work is to study the institute of joint-stock companies. Having conducted all the necessary scientific studies, it is necessary to master the entire structural and functional complex of enterprises, the organizational and legal form of which is a joint-stock company.
To achieve the goal of the study it is necessary to identify tasks that will serve as a “leading star” in the study of this issue:
General provisions of joint-stock companies
Initially, it seems appropriate to indicate the General Provisions of Joint Stock Companies. In this task, the concept of joint-stock companies, shares, and other related provisions is subject to disclosure.
Types of joint-stock companies.
Based on the above issues, it is necessary to investigate the types of joint-stock companies. As you know, joint-stock companies are divided into open and closed. At the final stage of disclosure of this task. it is necessary to identify common and distinctive features of these types, to show their importance in modern society
Establishment and liquidation of joint-stock companies…”
We process the material and write a conclusion to the coursework
“Unfortunately, to fully show all aspects of the functioning of the company does not allow the amount of course work. However, based on the set tasks, it was possible to reveal the essence of joint-stock companies as an organizational and legal form of entrepreneurial activity”.
Initially, the basic things were revealed, including a description of general concepts about joint-stock companies. On the basis of the received knowledge similarities and differences between types of joint-stock companies were revealed. To complete the full picture, the author of this course work revealed the question of the life cycle of joint-stock companies – from creation to liquidation. The issue of the JSC’s charter as the main constituent document of this organizational and legal form was also described.
As you can see, your task in writing the conclusion of the course work is to simply paraphrase what you wrote in the introduction. This manipulation will not be a mistake, because it is a common practice among all writers. This allows us to remind the reader of what we started from in the beginning and, thus, refresh his memory.
Now let’s take an excerpt from the main part of the coursework
“The general meeting of shareholders is undoubtedly one of the most important events in the life of the JSC. It is held at least once a year, according to current legislation. If the general meeting of shareholders is convened more often than once a year, this, of course, does not directly indicate certain difficulties of the company. However, it still suggests that society has some difficulties in any area.
We process the material and add it to the conclusions of the coursework
“It is necessary to understand that the purpose of the corporate governance system should be not only the need for the current successful operation of the company, instant profit but above all, to create strong internal management structures, because the work of the latter creates opportunities for successful and efficient business. in the long run, will help provide favorable conditions for economic growth and investment and property protection. ”
It is on this principle that the conclusion of the course work is formed. We hope that you have understood how to write a conclusion to the course work and now you will have no difficulty finishing your work quickly and efficiently.
And finally – where to start writing a conclusion to the course work:
The conclusions of the course work can begin with the words: “So… As a result…. At the end…”
After writing the conclusion it is necessary to re-read all work several times. Pay attention to the integrity and unity of all sections of the coursework. Structurally: the content, introduction, main part, and, conclusions of the course work should be logical and form a whole.
How to write a conclusion to the coursework?
The conclusion to the coursework should be written by the objectives and goals described in the Introduction, you also need to take into account the conclusions of each chapter.
What is the scope of the conclusion?
The generally accepted volume of the conclusion to the course work is two or three pages. Wines should be short and constructive.
What is the conclusion to the coursework?
The conclusion to the course is a structural part of the work, which is distinguished in the content by a separate section. The conclusion describes the results of the work performed.